The Rise of Vaping Culture: What do you call someone who vapes?

Vaping, short for vaporizing, refers to the act of inhaling vapor produced by an electronic cigarette or similar device. Unlike traditional smoking, which involves burning tobacco, vaping relies on battery-powered devices that heat a liquid (usually containing nicotine, flavorings, and other chemicals) into an aerosol, which is then inhaled.

The Vaping Culture

Vaping culture has evolved into a distinct and vibrant subculture, complete with its own set of rituals, language, and social norms. Those who participate in this culture are commonly referred to as “vapers.” Let’s explore the various aspects that define the vaping experience.

  1. Community and Social Connection: Vapers often find a sense of community and connection with like-minded individuals. Social media platforms, forums, and local vape shops provide spaces for vapers to share experiences, discuss products, and exchange tips and tricks.
  2. Customization and Personalization: One of the key attractions of vaping is the ability to personalize the experience. From choosing flavors and nicotine levels to customizing the appearance of vape devices, vapers take pride in expressing their individuality through their vaping setup.
  3. Language and Terminology: The vaping community has developed its own lexicon, with terms such as “mod,” “coil,” “cloud chasing,” and “sub-ohm” becoming commonplace. Understanding this terminology is crucial for active participation in the community.

The Terminology

To truly understand the world of vaping, it’s essential to grasp the unique terminology employed by vapers. Here are some key terms that encapsulate the language of the vaping subculture:

  1. Vaper: The term used to describe an individual who engages in vaping.
  2. Mod: Short for modification, a mod refers to the device that holds the battery and is responsible for heating the e-liquid.
  3. E-Liquid or Vape Juice: The substance that is vaporized in the vaping device. It typically contains nicotine, flavorings, and a base liquid.
  4. Coil: The heating element within the vaping device that vaporizes the e-liquid.
  5. Cloud Chasing: A practice among some vapers who seek to produce large vapor clouds by using specialized equipment and techniques.
  6. Nicotine Strength: The concentration of nicotine in the e-liquid, often measured in milligrams per milliliter (mg/ml).
  7. Sub-Ohm: A type of vaping that involves using coils with a resistance of less than one ohm, resulting in increased vapor production.

The Impact on Individuals and Society

While vaping has gained a dedicated following, it has also been subject to scrutiny and concern. Understanding the impact of vaping on both individuals and society is crucial for a comprehensive perspective.

  1. Health Considerations: Although vaping is often considered a less harmful alternative to traditional smoking, it is not without health risks. The long-term effects of inhaling vaporized substances are still being studied, and concerns about respiratory issues and nicotine addiction persist.
  2. Regulation and Legislation: The rise of vaping has prompted governments to enact regulations to address concerns about underage use, product safety, and advertising practices. These regulations aim to strike a balance between allowing adult smokers access to potentially less harmful alternatives while protecting vulnerable populations.
  3. Economic Impact: The vaping industry has become a significant player in the global economy, generating revenue through the sale of devices, accessories, and e-liquids. The economic impact is felt not only by manufacturers but also by retailers, creating jobs and contributing to local economies.


The world of vaping is a multifaceted landscape that extends beyond the act of inhaling vapor. It encompasses a unique culture, language, and sense of community that has captivated individuals worldwide. As debates surrounding the health implications and societal impact of vaping continue, one thing is certain—the term “vaper” is more than just a label; it represents a diverse and evolving subculture that has firmly established itself in the 21st century.


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